The activity has already ended!

After receiving the Single Item Discount Coupons, please login "Member area > discounts/account balance > Single Item Discount Coupons area " to check your serial number information to protect your Single Item Discount Coupons usage rights.

Overseas member only, login to get $20 product discount coupon

I. 活動時間 Activity duration: 1st Dec 00:00AM ~ 6th Dec 23:59PM, 2022 (GMT+8)

II. 活動辦法 Activity regulations:

於活動期間內海外會員天天登入領20元電子書單品折價券,凡購買電子書、電子雜誌、影音課程、有聲書,單筆訂單實際消費金額結帳滿99元可憑券折抵20元,可累折。數量有限,領完為止。 For overseas members login to get $20 product discount coupon every day within the period of activity duration. Purchase category of eBooks, eMagazines, video and audiobook, redeem $20 for $99 actual order consumption accumulatively. This limited-number offer is only available while stock lasts. 詳細活動辦法依博客來公告為主。凡參與本活動,即視同承認及接受本活動注意事項及相關規定,博客來保有隨時修正、暫停或終止本活動之權利,無須做事前之通知。 The activity regulations is an announcement by While participating in this activity, participants are deemed to recognize and accept the notes and regulations of this activity. The has the right to decide to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend this activity without notice in advance. 若有未盡事宜,悉依博客來之相關公告辦理;博客來保留最終解釋及決定權利。參加活動者即表示同意並遵守博客來的政策規範及活動公告,如有違反,即喪失參加活動資格。 Any other matters shall follow the instruction of announcements by; reserve the final explanation and the rights of decisions. Participants are deemed to accept and comply the police and activity announcements by, if not the participants is immediately excluded from the activity.

III. 注意事項 notes:

Oversea member is limited to personal data located at oversea areas.

The product discount coupon you received will be deposited into your product discount coupon. The product discount coupon serial number notification letter will be synchronically sent to your E-mail mailbox you registered in Should you fill out the information wrongly or other factors that results you for being unable to receive the notification, the holds no responsibility for the trouble caused.

IV. 單品折價券使用說明 product discount coupon instructions for use:

Each person is entitled to get one E-Coupon once. This limited-number offer is only available while stock lasts.

●單品折價券效期: 2022年12月01日 - 2022年12月06日止,逾期失效。
E-Coupon validity period: 1st Dec ~ 6th Dec, 2022. Not valid after the specified date.

●單品折價券抵用辦法: Product discount coupon redemption

  1. 單品折價券有使用期限。
    Product discount coupon with an expiry date.
  2. 同一商品不可同時抵用E-Coupon與單品折價券。
    An E-coupon cannot be used in conjunction with a product discount coupon on the same product.
  3. 單筆訂單同一商品只能抵用一組『單品折價券』,同一商品購買數量1個以上,恕不累折。
    "Product discount coupon" can only be used on a product in a single order. Discount won't be cumulative if there are more than 1 product of the same kind.
  4. 當單品折價券有滿額折抵限制時,購買指定活動商品總金額需符合滿額條件方可折抵。
    If the product discount coupon has a restriction of discount per specific amount of purchase made, the discount is only eligible when the purchase amount reaches the specific amount set by the organizer.
  5. 「實際消費金額」不包含:訂單處理費、運費、刷卡手續費、E-Coupon、單品折價券、購物金、結帳再折扣優惠。
    The order processing fee, shipping fee, credit card handling fee, E-Coupon, product discount coupon, Books Coins, promotional order discount are not part of actual consumption of purchase.
  6. 購物車內商品需有任一品項單價高於單品折價券面額。
    There must be a product of which the value is higher than the face value of the product discount coupon in the shopping cart.
  7. 不可與購物金、E-Coupon併用,使用信用卡分期付款之訂單,不可抵用單品折價券。
    Product discount coupon cannot be used in conjunction with Books Coins or E-Coupon, also cannot be used on the order with a credit card payment in installments.
  8. 其他問題請參考:單品折價券使用說明。
    For other questions, please refer to: product coupon instructions for use